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Today the day I do my first pot roast!! I couldn’t figure out which seasoning to go with so I got both. Do I send on back? Or can I use the other for the next time?thanks first time poster. Love this group 😊

Today the day I do my first pot roast!! I couldn’t figure out which seasoning to go with so I got both. Do I send on back? Or can I use the other for the next time?thanks first time poster. Love this group 😊

Today the day I do my first pot roast!! I couldn’t figure out which seasoning to go with so I got both. Do I send on back? Or can I use the other for the next time?thanks first time poster. Love this group 😊

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Written by mryumyum96


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Lobster Bisque Recipe

Lobster Bisque Recipe

Woke up to this bad boy sitting in the kitchen in the box. The wife asked the her mom for a new one for her bday which is weird cause she doesn't cook anything. Seals it so tight I can't even smell it.

Woke up to this bad boy sitting in the kitchen in the box. The wife asked the her mom for a new one for her bday which is weird cause she doesn’t cook anything. Seals it so tight I can’t even smell it.