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My husband’s slow cooker from college (AKA the last ice age). A friend suggested bleaching it. Just wondering if anyone’s tried it?

My husband’s slow cooker from college (AKA the last ice age). A friend suggested bleaching it. Just wondering if anyone’s tried it?

My husband’s slow cooker from college (AKA the last ice age). A friend suggested bleaching it. Just wondering if anyone’s tried it?

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Written by SlowGoat79


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  1. I went to school for ceramics and can tell you with certainty that when cracks form that shade in like this, they are not food safe dishes anymore. Use liners if you can’t replace it right away, but do not put your food in this dish anymore!

  2. Don’t think bleaching will get rid of that. That looks like crackd in the enamel. I wouldn’t use it unless I used slow cooker bags inside of it.

    Lots of bacteria can grow in there.

  3. That thing is cracked and Pitted so bad you’ll be lucky if doesn’t burn your house down. I would have problems using it. Toss it and get something else. You can get a nice one for around thirty dollars. Or an instant pot that has more features.

  4. I COMPLETELY understand not wanting to throw it away – a lot of people on here saying “just buy a new one!” as though money grows on trees and landfill isn’t a problem. Ok, we’ve confirmed, sadly it’s not food safe and you’ll need to replace the ceramic part. Hopefully you can find another use for it! I’ve used damaged ceramics quite a bit in the garden.

  5. Bleach would just get stuck in the cracks no matter how much you rinse it. It’s not safe to use at this point without a liner. What I would suggest is to get a new insert or new crockpot all together and donate the old one without the insert.


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