My High is too hot and my Low is too cold, so I use a socket timer to do a crude form of pulse width modulation to get the perfect temperature
My High is too hot and my Low is too cold, so I use a socket timer to do a crude form of pulse width modulation to get the perfect temperature
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Engineer here
I would have just gotten a new crock pot bro
ok, serious question. are there really slowcookers that have different temperatures? my Crockpot brand slowcooker does have a high and low setting but that changes the time it takes to get to temperature…215ish degrees if i remember right. i read about different temperatures on this sub a lot. do some slowcookers work different than others?
Can you please ELI5?
I’m guessing the socket timer cuts power to the slow cooker after a certain number of minutes, thus preventing the cooker from getting too hot?
“Next week… on Slow cooking engineers…”
My husband got into mine and rigged it with a temperature sensor.
He added a switch so I can use the slow cooker the traditional way (low, med, hi, warm) OR if I’m feeling scientific I flip the switch and can maintain a constant, exact temperature (like 250*, etc).
It’s been delightful.
Do you have a very simple crock pot? Mine is digital and would reset with this setup.
Just get a new crock…. Seems safer
Both low and high in my crockpot are ridiculously hot. Like I can cook chicken breast from frozen to dusty dry in about 2 hours. This sounds like a smart solution.
I’d be interested in knowing what temp you get on high and low and what temp you average with this set up. Did you test at all to settle on 15min?
This controller will work great but costs as much as a new crockpot.
They are the same temperature…
Isn’t this highly damaging?
Use the “medium” setting.
I use a timer like that too but to delay the start time. Since I leave so early for work and get him in the early evening sometimes, the timer works great for not overcooking the food.
If you can take out the “pot” from your crockpot you could set it to high but put something like 1″ tall under the pot to increase the distance from the heating element. At least that’s what I did when I was making black garlic.
Very clever!
Cast iron Dutch oven, in the oven.
The intersection of DIY, DIWhy, and Slowcooking. Nice.
This seems like something Alton Brown would come up with.
Would the load be too big for that timer to handle?
That’s funny, my slow cooker already uses PWM on the heat element to control between low and high, and if yours does too then you’ve pulse width modulated the pulse width modulation. Now calculate the duty cycle!
I did the same thing back in the late 80s with a window AC unit. Bargain basement, no built-in thermostat, so it would blow max cold until the vents iced up. A timer set to 30 minutes on, 15 minutes off, and it worked like a charm.
If the temperature you’re going is low enough, you could put a pot in a 6” or 8” hotel pan full of water and use a sous vide machine to control the temperature in the pot with the temperature of the water. Without the pot fully submerged (and not raised off the bottom), the temperature in the pot will never be the temperature of the water, but it will scale with the temperature of it
Smart plug bro
I do this with my space heater.
I just leave the lid slightly open and that reduces the temperature too